TSU National Alumni Association
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The Texas Southern University National Alumni Association (TSUNAA) Metropolitan Houston Chapter welcomes all former students and friends of Texas Southern University to our chapter.


With a Houston alumni network of around 40,000, the Metro Houston Chapter serves as the fundamental foundation to cultivate our alumni.  From social events to professional enrichment opportunities, community volunteering, raising scholarship money for our students, to celebrating our fellow alumni, this chapter is at the forefront of servicing alumni needs and promoting the welfare of the University. 








Our Mission

 The Texas Southern University National Alumni Association (TSUNAA) Metropolitan Houston Chapter is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to support, promote, and advance educational goals of Texas Southern University (TSU) and the interest and welfare of its alumni and students. We strive to enhance and renew the connection to TSU beyond graduation and enrich the lives of the alumni and involve them in TSU’s future. It shall further be the purpose of this chapter to serve as a resource base to promote unity among the alumni of Texas Southern University in the Houston area and beyond. Our collective effort will inspire new ideals, affiliations, friendships, professional fulfillment, acts of service and cultivate successful corporate and governmental relationships within the community.


We appreciate your interest. For more information about the Texas Southern University National Alumni Association Metro Houston Chapter, please provide your contact information in our Get-In-Touch section or join our mailing list.

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 14122 Houston, TX 77221
Email: info@tsu-alumni.com

Paulette Mouton - Chapter President
N/A- VP of Membership 
Tamika O’Neal-Reggans - Recording Secretary Dr. Krista Glover - Corresponding Secretary
Justin Lee - Financial Secretary

N/A- Treasurer
Monique Sellers - Parliamentarian
Annette Sanford - Sergeant At Arms 
N/A - Social Event Chair Myra John - Fundraising Chair

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